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Population Studies (Objective)


The Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute’s objective, population studies represents cross-sectional, nationally representative data. A cross-sectional study examines a population at a single point in time. In the case of the CFLRI, some data is collected based on parental reports on behalf of their children and youth (or self-reported for the oldest youth) but physical activity is measured objectively through the use of pedometers to measure steps taken in a day. Participants are recruited to the study through telephone interviewing, then a package is distributed to participants with the pedometer for the participants to use and collect data. The objectively measured population study is called Canada’s Physical activity Levels Among Youth Study (or CANPLAY study).

The primary research goals of objectively measured, population studies are to understand:


physical activity levels of children and youth


how associated factors influence participation


secular trends over time by comparing cross-sectional data at multiple periods over time


What is it?

How was it developed?

How was data collected?

What types of information were collected?

What are the benefits of the research?