The Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute (CFLRI) is excited to announce the release of a brand new series of publications highlighting data on physical activity, recreation, and sport participation in Canada. The series brings together research bulletins, infographics, and customizable data tables that not only provide the latest statistics, but also provide evidence-based considerations for practitioners and policy-makers. This series also highlights the impact of COVID-19 on participation in physical activity, sport and recreation. To learn more about these new publications click the following links below:
2020-2021 Impact of Covid-19 on Physical Activity and Sport:
- Impact of pandemic on physical activity in key settings (research bulletin & infographic)
- Impact of pandemic on physical activity in key settings (data tables)
2020-2021 Sport Organizations Survey
- Organizational capacity in Sport Organizations (research bulletin & infographic)
- Organizational capacity in Sport Organizations (data tables)